01/20/14 | Day 20 - Black & White Study with Pallet Knife
Day 20 – Black & White Study with Pallet Knife
Going back to basics-black & white in the workbook.
01/19/14 | Day 19 - Coffee V
#Coffee V
Green and food go so well together, even coffee or tea. This is Coffee V Acrylic on a 12”×12”×2 gallery wrapped canvas. $75
This morning the sun poured into the studio, that and a good cup’a couldn’t be better.
01/18/14 | Day 18 - Coffee IV
Coffee IV
More of the 30 day painting challenge. Rosey red cup and saucer for todays coffee or tea. Acrylic 12”×12”×2” gallery wrapped. Again $75.
I have not done a painting every day this month, but I am still getting a lot of work done. This keeps me in the creative spirit.
01/17/14 | Day 17 - Coffee III
Coffee III
Can’t you hear the morning calling. The sun is shining and the aroma, nothing would be better. Acrylic on 12”×12”×2” for $75.
The series has a simple basic design, just color and a coffee container.
01/16/14 | Day 16 - Coffee II
Coffee II
A good cup for your coffee or tea can start the day off right. Acrylic 12”×12”×2” gallery wrapped. $75
01/15/14 | Day 15 - Coffee I
Day 15 – Coffee I
Coffee series, something new. 12×12×2” Acrylic – Casual style. $75
01/05/14 | Day 5 Puye Cliff Dwellings
Title: Puye Cliff Dwellings
Water pencil on sketch book paper
01/04/14 | Day 4, 2014 Mountain Range
Title: Mountain Range
Acrylic on panel 8×10, 2014 painting challenge.
01/01/14 | Day 1 - Plein Air New Mexico
Sierra Negra, New Mexico
First painting of the year from Holiday Vacation in New Mexico. Plein air 5×7 panel, $25.
12/18/13 | Bench of Peppers
Title: Bench of Peppers
New Look to Old Furniture. These are more angles of the posted pieces.